[DAY 1] Automatic Touch Of God From “God Has The Power To Do This Or That”, Oyo State Crusade 2022

Hallelujah! The healing power of God moved in a thrilling way to hit the sick and maimed at the healing and freedom declaration of our Daddy in the Lord, Pastor Lazarus Muoka. Below are the results:

1. A man 24 years born dead and dumb healed.
2. A man who was mad for 16 years is now healed.
3. A man with 10 years of partial blindness rolled away.
4. A boy 13 years born deaf and dumb healed.
5. A man with 6 months of kidney problem and inability to walk rolled away.
6. A boy with 4 years of blindness healed.
7. A woman with 33 years of paralysis and inability to walk rolled away.
8. A man who had 6 months stroke, healed.
9. A man with 1 year and 6 months stroke, healed.
10. A man 9 months broken bone joined together.
11. A man with 2 years stroke, healed.
12. A woman 6 years of paralysis healed.
13. A boy 8 years born deaf and dumb healed.
14. A woman with 2 years stroke, healed.
15. A man with 10 months of spinal cord injury and neck injury healed.
16. A man 13 years broken bone joined together.
17. A man 5 months of poison and waist pain healed.
18. A woman with 2 years of arthritis healed.
19. A woman with 10 months leg problem healed.
20. A woman 3 years of stomach pain healed.
21. A woman with 4 years of cataract healed.
22. A woman with 2 weeks of partial blindness healed.
23. A man 35 years born deaf and dumb healed.

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