A Complex Complicated Pregnancy Brought To Normalcy And Safe Delivery Granted By God

The Almighty, Deliverer, and Healer of all ages (God) stepped into a terrible situation in the family of our beloved brother and put a new song in their mouths.

Read the testimony below.

My names are Brother Chika Chukwuma Jerry Mbah, besides me is my wife, Sister Calista Chika Mbah, and our miracle baby, Sister Somtochukwu Esther Chukwumaobim Mbah.

We have come to give thanks to the Almighty God who can never fail. He gave us his son G. O to do wonders in our lives and gave us victory even in this end time. It happened that in 2018, I got married to my wife, And by the grace of God, she conceived the same year we were waiting upon God for safe delivery which God has been showing us mercy.

In the month of August, the enemy came to steal, kill and destroy but the Lord showed him that He is the Alpha and Omega and King Of Kings. The enemy vowed to take the life of my wife and the baby in her stomach; she bled constantly. We visited a private hospital and from there were referred to LUTH General Hospital, where her body was checked but the cause of the bleeding was unable to be dictated, then the doctor suggested she undergoes a surgical operation which is 50/50, and that if the affected part is the womb, it shall be cut off, I told him that my wife’s womb should not be cut off, he should continue with the operation because I know the God who I serve.

The surgery was done but the situation became severe to the extent that her body was gushing out water for months, and all hope was lost. For a month and one week, we slept at the hospital, I ran helter-skelter to get different tests done and purchase drugs but God stepped into the situation when our General Overseer heard about the matter. He prayed and God used a chief doctor who is a professor and numerous consultants to take good care of my wife exceptionally.

Later on, she was booked for another operation but the doctor refuted it saying that she should be discharged because she may not survive it. We were later told that it was a mistake that occurred during the first surgery that led to the gushing out of water.

We left the hospital, and after one year she was diagnosed to have hernia at the part which gushed out water.

At this time, we don’t know what to do. We were referred back to the LUTH, I began to pray and at one point, I thought to see the G.O., I do back my wife on different attempts made to see him because she cannot walk and looks like a skeleton.

One faithful day, we saw him at the car park, I lay down there with my wife and called on him to help us, he moved close to us and prayed that God should intervene and show us mercy, I told him that we were asked to return to the hospital and he said, “go’.
Also, he pointed his hand at my forehead for some minutes without saying a word, it was a mystery.

The next day, we went back to the hospital for the surgery and it was successfully carried out. After that, my wife delivered safely a bouncing baby girl. There at the hospital, her file was misplaced because it was so large, I have been visiting the hospital at intervals to see if it was provided but all was to no avail.

One of the days, I met with one of our church members (a brother) at the LUTH information unit, I narrated everything to him, and he helped me to follow the case up, and as God may have it, the report was finally found.

The Lord granted us to victory at last. Hallelujah! To as many who are looking up to God for miracles, always believe that He is and He’ll surely see you through.

A time came, God of chosen spotted this matter, and that very day, even though the body was gushing out water for months, all hope has lost and she was abandoned. The God of Chosen spotted the matter when our G. O heard about the matter.

When G. O prayed, the spirit of God entered into the professor, the chief doctor. He took good care of my wife with all the numerous consultants in the hospital.

He took good care of my wife as never before, attending to all her matters. With all that I am seeing, I know that God of chosen is at work.

They went for another surgery, and the chief doctor said No, that she may not survive it, and she should be discharged. She may come back later. I never know that it was a mistake. This mistake was made in the previous surgery because they were rushing to save her life, then after one year, the surgery opened again and she has hernia and the place is gushing out water.

At this time, I don’t know what to do again. We have been referred back to LUTH general hospital again. Then, it was me and my wife knows about the matter.

I began to pray. One day, my spirit says to me “Look for a way to see G. O”. Then, I was seeking to see Daddy G. O. I always back my wife because she cannot walk, she looks like a skeleton.

A day came, I saw our G. O in the car park. I and my wife lay down crying, calling our G. O to help us. Daddy said ” God Intervene”. It is the very first time I saw G. O praying long.. G. O prayed that God should have mercy on them.

I told G.O. that we were asked to come back to the hospital and he said “Go”. As we stood up, he looked at my face but I can’t look at his, G. O spotted his hand on my forehead for some minutes without saying a word, it was really a mystery. We went back to the hospital and the surgery was successful.

My wife safely gave birth to a bouncing baby girl. In the hospital, they threw away her file because it was so large. I have been going to the hospital for the file to be provided, all to no avail.

One day, I went to the information unit at LUTH general hospital, and I saw one of my brothers, Bro Ben. I narrated everything to him, he help me to follow up on the issue. As God may have it, the report was finally found. The Lord granted us to victory at last. Want to thank God for the victory at last.

Always believe in God, he will surely you through.

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