6 Years Delay In Conception Given Technical Knock-Out After A Word Of Prayer From Our G.O. – Women Program 2023

The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness.

2Peter 3:9b

Just as the Lord promised that non shall be barren in the land, He has confirmed His word again in the life of our Sister.
Read her testimony.

My name is Sister Isreal Chosen from Bayelsa State in Nigeria. I want to thank God for what He is doing in my family.
My first testimony goes thus: I want to specially thank God for breaking the yoke of delay in conception of 6 years during one of the Chosen crusade at Abuja, Nigeria.

Afterwards, God blessed me with three female children. I needed a male child, so I beckoned on Him to give me a male child. After our annual programme “Mgbidi Lagos Experience 2022” our General Overseer prayed for us and I also made a vow to God which I fulfilled. After the programme, God blessed me with a bouncing baby boy.

My second testimony goes thus:
I want to thank God for healing me of broken bone that would have resulted into something worse if not for God’s divine intervention. This happened after I attended Thursday Counseling and Deliverance Service, our General Overseer prayed and the case turned around. Today am totally healed of that affliction.

My third testimony goes thus:
I want to thank God for giving me a miracle job after 2015 International Women Programme, on my way back to my State, I got a call to come and pick up my appointment letter and after 2 weeks I resumed work.

Praise the Lord!

Are you barren, afflicted, jobless etc? Do you know that God has the power to change your situation, just visit the nearest Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministry around you and your sorrow shall turn to joy in Jesus name, Amen.

Jesus is Lord!

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