The God of Chosen Answers Prayer.

5 Years Hole In The Heart Filled Up By God
Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” Matthew 11:28.
The Great God of signs and wonders has lifted the yoke of 5 years hole in the heart in the life of Brother Victor Chinedu who is 13 years old but has suffered from this terrible ailment for 5 years. According to his father, Brother Peter Chinedu, this affliction makes his son’s body swell at intervals, it also deprives him of sleep making him cry all the time.
In search of a solution to this severe ailment, the boy has been taken to so many specialist hospitals and all was to no avail. They were on the verge of traveling to India for a major operation when he heard about the special men’s program captioned, “Except The Lord Build The House”, just then; he decided to bring his son to the Lord’s Chosen church before embarking on the journey to oversees. As soon as they arrived at the revival ground, in the course of the program, the G.O mounted the pulpit and declared healing to all manner of sicknesses and diseases, immediately the swollen body of Brother Victor deflated, he stood up and began to walk.
What a Mighty God we serve!
What a mighty God we serve