The God of Chosen Answers Prayer.

40 Years Imprisonment Cancelled After The Prayer Of Our General Overseer
“Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivers him out of them all.”
Psalm 34:19
God Almighty is the great deliverer. He has done it again for our sister. Read her testimony below:
My name is Sister Juliet Mahabiri and I live in the Philippines. I am here to testify of the deliverance power of God in my life.
Someone in the organization where I worked as a customs agent set me up. She used my business name and address to send out a package without my knowledge. The package contained eight kinds of drugs. Because of the illegal content, I was arrested and put in prison.
When I was in prison, the lawyer told me that my case was hopeless, and he refused to defend me. I told him that I was not worried because the God of Chosen is my lawyer. Due to the nature of my case, I was to be sentenced to 40 years imprisonment. However, I told them that I would not stay long because God Almighty was in control.
My national pastor in the Philippines told our General Overseer what happened to me and he prayed for me. He also gave me an apron, which I wore to court on the day of the final judgment on my case.
After the prayer, there was a miraculous intervention in my case. The prosecutor brought people to testify against me, but instead of testifying against me, they became confused and could not talk anymore. The judge was furious and said that if the third person could not say anything, he would acquit me. God took over the judge and the case. He declared me free, discharged, and acquitted. That was how I regained my freedom.
Are you facing false accusations, and you are almost giving up because of life challenges? Don’t lose hope; your solution is here. Just visit the Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministry near you, and you will experience a mighty turnaround in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Jesus is Lord!