The God of Chosen Answers Prayer.

35 Years Blindness Instantly Crushed – Grand Finale Hope For The Needy 2024
Acts 10:38 – How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him.
It is amazing to know that there is no sickness that cannot be crushed by God. Once His power descends on someone, the rest becomes a testimony. It has happened again in the life of our brother.
Our beloved brother by name, Brother Chikezie Onyenedu was born blind 35 years ago. Since then reading and other visual work has been a problem to Him.
Prior to this time, he has been taken to many hospitals and eye clinics for remedy but nothing happened. Thereafter, he has been managing this situation until this very day.
He was invited to this special ongoing crusade titled: HOPE FOR THE NEEDY, 2024 by Sister Christy Patrick who is a mother to his friend. They came for this program, all the way from Iyobo believing God for a miracle.
During the prayer session, they were prayerfully and patiently waiting for the General Overseer to mount the podium to declare deliverance to God’s people. Immediately our General Overseer began to pray and declare deliverance for people with all kinds of infirmities including eye defects, he grabbed the prayer with all faith and seriousness. Instantly, his eyes opened and he began to see clearly. That was how 35 years of blindness was instantly crushed by God Almighty and he began to see clearly.
He was tested severally till it became clear to everyone that the man’s sight had been restored. He walked into the auditorium sorrowful and afflicted but he left joyful, free, restored, healed, blessed, and happy. Now, the man is a free man with clear visibility.
I don’t know the type of illness or challenges you are going through and it seems there is no hope. I can assure you that there is hope. Visit the Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Movement nearest to you and you will experience a divine encounter that will restore hope to your needy situation.
Jesus is Lord!