28 Years And 11 Months Yoke Of Barrenness Was Shattered By God

Exodus 23:26 There shall nothing cast their young, nor be barren, in thy land: the number of thy days I will fulfill.

By the special grace of God, my name is Sister Ann Chinedu Micheal, with me are my husband and baby, Brother Micheal Chukwu, and Sister Precious Gift Miracle Chizaram Ekpere Micheal.

We have come to thank God for making us Chosen members, we also appreciate him for the salvation of our souls, let His name be exalted in Jesus’ name. Amen.

I want to appreciate God for what He has done for us, The Lord’s Chosen Church is a fertile ground.

We came here for the first time in April 2004, and since then we continued in fellowship because continuation brings freedom.

Before I came here, I was barren and on stepping into this place, I listened to powerful testimonies and the undiluted word of God and I decided that I’ll remain here, no going back.

Last year, during the Mgbidi program, I prepared as if that was my first time going for that crusade, and I went as if it was a do-or-die affair. There, I cried to God and said, people have mocked me, and my husband as the only son in the family. Due to my inability to conceive, people were asking him where is your God? And the house you are building, who will live there? Infact, the mockery was too much but today the battle is over.

At that crusade, when our Daddy in the Lord was praying, he mentioned my case and said, “there is a woman here, you are looking for the fruit of the womb
for a long time, and it seems impossible for you to conceive but today I break that yoke”. When that word came forth, I fell under the anointing, and I knew the word of knowledge was for me and in faith, I held unto it.

After the program, at home in my room, I reminded God that He has given me the power to conceive according to the word of knowledge from the mouth of our Daddy G.O, when I was praying this prayer, God opened my eyes and I saw an angel handing over a baby to me. Thereafter, I knew something spectacular had happened in my life, my countenance changed and I stopped praying about it again because I knew the miracle has taken place.

A few months later, I became pregnant with this precious and perfect gift from above. This baby was conceived after 28 years and 11 months of agony and pains, and the God Of Chosen removed that garment of reproach from me. Hallelujah!

When it was time to put them to bed, it seems like it won’t come to pass; the baby stayed for over 11 months. I became perplexed but continued in fellowship believing that the Lord who started it will finish it.

One faithful Thursday, I met with our Daddy in the Lord who prayed for me, and I rejoiced home.

The next day being Friday, I was in a revelation where an angel of the Lord moved me from a terrible place to a good place, and I saw an old tree falling thereafter I started having contraction.

Today, my story has changed. I don’t know how to thank God Of Chosen who has removed reproach in my family, now people call me Mama Precious.

I also thank God for my husband whom He used to console me, whenever I see him serving God, I am encouraged.

To anyone in this kind of situation, I don’t know what people are telling you, don’t mind whoever is speaking, focus on this Mighty God, and you will surely testify.

Meanwhile, I’m here with the vow I made when I was passing through those hurdles. Let the name of the Lord be praised.

To my Daddy in the Lord, mummy, children, and their generation, God bless all of you. To the Chosen members worldwide, I pray heaven at last.
Praise the Lord!

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