The God of Chosen Answers Prayer.

And they were astonished beyond measure, saying, “He has done all things well. He makes both the deaf to hear and the dumb to speak.”
Mark 7:37
It’s awesome to see the Lord turning the captivity of His people. Indeed, He is the God that changes situation.
Brother Alex Samuel has been deaf and dumb since he was born. This situation has been a torment and a form of captivity for the young man.
According to his mother Sister Ime Samuel, He was born deaf and dumb right from the hospital. They have been to the hospital several times but no positive result. Ever since that time, she has been searching for a solution to this ugly situation until this moment.
She came for this program with her son believing in God for a divine touch. When they arrived Navy Town Sports Complex for the program titled, “God that Changes Situation” held today the 23rd of April, 2024, they were patiently waiting for the touch from above.
As our General Overseer began to pray and cast out the spirit of deafness and dumbness, the spirit behind his ailment instantly jumped out of him and his ear became open and the tongues were loosed. Then, he began to speak and hear.
He was tested severally and he spoke so well, to the point that everyone was amazed and the mammoth crowd were thrilled.
This is wonderful! I don’t know the ugly situation you are going through, I want you to worship with us at the Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Movement nearest to you and you will see that situation turning around for your good, joy, and laughter in Jesus name, Amen.