The God of Chosen Answers Prayer.
2018 Workers and Leaders Conference: God has done it again – Highlights
The most anticipated program of the Workers and Leaders Conference of the Lord’s Chosen and even non chosen members, where they usually get impacted with great teachings that are extraordinary and undiluted from the God’s elect, the arrow head of the ministry, Pastor Lazarus Muoka was the best thing to happen to both leaders, ministers and Christian body this year.
Inspirational, extraordinary, exceptional and motivational are the words that can be used to describe the experiences gotten from this serendipitous event.
Actually, it was 3 days, but the participants wanted it to continue, because they know that the more they stay with this great teacher, the more they get spirit filled cum heaven bound wonderful messages.
Indeed, the first and the second day of the program came, featuring great testimonies and we thought we’ve seen it all; then came the grand finale where the presence of the Holy Ghost was felt most to the glory of God.
One of the highlights of the event were the moment of sober reflection among the participants in the 2nd day, where they cried and prostrated, begging God for mercy cum the grace to live a holy and righteous life in order to make heaven at last.
Extraordinary messages
Some of the messages preached in this year’s workers and leaders Conference include;
Day 1
- God will make you to rejoice (Part 1) – Luke 7:12-16, Acts 8:5-8
Day 2
- Unity among the brethren – Psalm 133:1-3, 1Corinthians 1:10, Eph… 4:3-17
- Endurance to the end – Mathew 24:10-12, 2Timothy 3:10-12, Hebrews 6:15
- Working in the fear of God – Luke 12:3
- The necessity of discipline in the Church – Job 4:10-14, 1Corinthians 14:40
- Behold our enemies and be ware of them – Mathew 15:18-20, 1Timothy 6:11-12
- Be ware of anger, complaining and fault finders – Proverbs 22:24, Proverbs 14:17, Mathew 5:22, Ecclesiastes 7:9, Nymbers 11:1, Jude 1:16, Mark 7:2
- God will make you to rejoice (part 2) – Jeremiah 29:11, Luke 7:11-15, Acts 8:5
Day 3
- I love my Church – John 3:16, Joshua 1-16-18, Mathew 12:30, Esther 4:15-16, Daniel 11:32
- As God saw everything to be good – Genesis 1:10-21,25, 31
- Who shall be among the victorious Chosen army -Judges 3:33-35, Judges 7:1,4,7, Zachariah 4:6-7, Romans 9:28
- The way forward – John 14:6. John 8:12, Luke 19:10, 2Corinthians 5:20
Summary of the messages
The conference so far has been filled with extraordinary teachings of the word. The event took us round the corner as the G.O. preached his first message to the congregation.
The first message on the main day of the conference, which is the second day of the programme with the title, “Unity among Brethren” teaches the participants about how important unity is needed in the church, nation and other organizations. When there is unity, there is peace of mind; the spirit of God abides in such place/individual and there will be peace and progress in the country, because when people work together, they achieve success and experience peace.
The second message was taken shortly on the topic, “Endurance to the end”, talked about enduring all the persecutions, trials, temptations and afflictions rather than praying to God to remove them. The General Overseer (G.O), during the message advised the participants to always ask for the grace to overcome temptations and trials, because those things will not just to not just make you perfect, but qualify you to make heaven at last.
He advised leaders to always seek for solution to whatever challenge they are facing, rather than compromising due to pressure and temptations from the people they are leading.
The G.O. began the third message shortly after some testimonies, with the topic, “Working in the fear of God”, which emphasizes more on the attitude Christians displays in terms of services to God and how our leaders and office holders should work even according to plans of God, doing things that exalt the name of the Lord.

During the message, he highlighted the need for leaders to work in the fear of God, because when you do, you, you don’t just achieve expected result, but will bring about positive change that will take the people you are leading to the next level.
It also talked about God being a supreme spirit and not a man; that Christians should serve Him in truth and spirit to avoid eternal damnation.
The fourth message then followed suit, “The necessity of discipline in the church”. The message talked about God’s standards and dangers of playing with it. It also emphasizes on enforcing discipline in the church; to keep the standard of God.
The fifth message proceeded immediately with the topic, “Behold our enemies and beware of them”. The message centered on knowing our enemies, which is the devil, because haven been cast down to earth for his disobedience and knowing he has a little time, doing all his best to bring down Christians; and also when attacks come, we should never succumb because when we do, eternal condemnation awaits if such individual did not repent before dying.
The sixth message was brief and eye-opening; with the topic, “beware of Anger, complaining and fault finding”, it was treated with care, exposing the dangers of each of them; words that make people lose things without them knowing and how to overcome the temptations of being angry even when provoked.
The final message of the 2nd day of the 2018 Mgbidi conference was amazing. The theme of the conference was the last message of the day, “God will make you to rejoice (part 2)”. It emphasizes on how to serve God and how he will reward us abundantly by making us to rejoice. It also talked about looking unto God because He is the God of impossibilities.
The experiences, the impactations, the teaching, the revelations and the miracles witnessed in this programme will never be forgotten. It will go a long way in preparing the participants for the work of God and will forever make inpacts in the lives of everyone that attended the conference.
The glorious choruses and the wonderful testimonies
Great choruses that dragged the participants out of their seats was another moment experienced in the conference where they danced acrobatically, evidently expressing that God has caused them to rejoice.
Wonders and miracles are the food fed to His awaiting people; many testimonies and instant testimonies were taken into record starting from the day 1 to the last day.
Some of the featured testimonies was that of Sis Christine Analeye, whom God delivered from a demonic and mysterious python sent to kill her.
According to her, she sent her 11-year old son to get something from her shop, but the boy came back shivering because of a huge python he saw in the shop struggling for life. She rushed to the shop and to her consternation, people have already gathered in front of her shop, thanking God.
In a nutshell, they looked around her shop and found out that she used chosen aprons and stickers to decorate her shop. They chorused, “no wonder”, because she is a Chosen.
Another testimony that added glamour to the event was the testimony of Bro Ugochukwu Ugbor who said that God of Chosen caused the bullet shot at him to boomerang on the armed robber and he died instantly.
Countless instant testimonies were witnessed when there was a move of God’s power. Great testimonies like 17, 18, 20 and 23 years deaf and dumb; 4 years insanity was rolled away, many years unable to work were set free to rejoice home using their complete body, those with total paralysis were healed. Those who were blind from birth started seeing again, and many instant testimonies that we lost count of as said ab initio.
Below are highlights of the conference for each day.
Day 1 – The beginning of your joy
The First day of the all waited Workers and Leaders conference by The Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Movement with the theme ‘God will make you to rejoice’, like expected, was filled with so much of the Holiness of the most High God.
The atmosphere was filled with the presence of the Holy Ghost, and the participants got as much of the experiences as they had prayed for.
It was actually the most anticipated Christian workers and Leaders conference of the year, and the first day received so much participants and turn out than we had expected.

There are lots of activities that highlighted the first day of the programme, including the opening of the live broadcast of the conference on all online platforms with a Live Podcast presented by the Press and Information Department members.
The high points of the opening session is the welcoming of the large number of newcomers by the moderator of the day; the presence of the most high God was welcomed in the camp to take over and to fill every soul present with power and to give them the grace to be able to grasp all that will be taught in this Workers’ and Leaders Conference.
Another thing that added glamour to the event is the ministrations of both the central adult choir and the duet sisters.
The day one could be seen as a day of the Lord because there were showers of blessings and air conditioned weather. The atmosphere put smiles on the faces of the participants.

Immediately, the G.O. mounted the pulpit, the presence of God was felt because people that came with diverse diseases felt the power of God after the declaration of the G.O. People with testimonies jubilated out of their seats into the front space to share their testimonies, giving God the glory.
The message of the day which has the theme ‘God will make you to rejoice (part 1)” revealed the many promises of God upon His Children. It also reminded the participants that for one to be part of this many promises, they must do the will of God and stand right with Him.
In his message, The General Overseer of The Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Movement, Pastor Lazarus Muoka told the participants that no matter what they have been passing through as a result of the lifestyle they are living and what the enemy must have done in their lives, they are coming out of that sorrow before this conference would be over.
Many people because of what they are going through has been occupied with sorrows, many has suffered a lot and people keep asking them where is their God, but as from today, the Lord will hear their cry, and He shall make them to rejoice again.

Delivering the message to the large turn of participant who resiliently stayed put despite the rain, The General Overseer talked about what one should do to be qualified to receive the blessings from God, and advised everyone to repent of their sins and live a holy and righteous life if they must enjoy the good things of the Lord.
The first day ended with so many rejoicing and many went home, expecting to be back from the main event, because what we just experienced today is just the tip of what we are to witness in days to come.
Day 2 – Extraordinary teachings, extraordinary experience!
Awesome experience is just the word to express how we feel about the day 2 of the 2018 workers and leaders conference, this is just too awesome to behold ordinarily.
Having witnessed the first day of the programme, we knew the day 2 is going to be wonderful, but we never expected it to be this transforming, it took us all by surprise and we couldn’t have had more.
The turnout continues to increase and the whole filled is almost filled to the brim with tens of thousands of participants which cuts across people from different race, religious background and from all works of life to witness an experience teaching and sharing the word of God by the God’s anointed, who has been given the mandate to bring revival in this end time.
One of the most notable moments was the moment the arena began to quake with the many voices of the participants who after hearing the very undiluted word of God, fell down on their knees to cry unto God for the spirit of holiness and righteousness to be poured down upon them.

It was really an extraordinary moment in the lives of the participants, as the prayer session which was led by the General Overseer (G.O) Himself, Pastor Lazarus Muoka, brought down the spirit of God, who possessed the participants and could be felt amongst the members.
The large participation on the second day of the programme is as a result of the signs and wonders that took place on the first day of the programme, also is as a result of the wonderful experience they had on arrival to the conference.
The choruses, as usual, lit up the event, calling down the glory of God to fill the camp. The power of God was felt during this powerful session.
The leaders and workers were impacted spiritually with the extraordinary teachings by the General Overseer.
In his first teaching, the G.O emphasized on the need for workers and all the Christians to work in the fear of God, because many Christians are now serving God in their own way.
“The necessity of discipline in the church” was another extraordinary message that was captivating, and other messages followed suit.
There are many things that we would use to remember the second day of the 2018 Workers and Leaders Conference, amongst all is the Holy Ghost transformation, which evidently was experienced and witnessed by almost every participant.
As the last day, the grand finale draws near, we only can say let it come, yes, we can’t wait, let it come, oh! Lord we pray.
This God, the God that answers prayers, is so great!
Day 3 – The testimonies, the miracles!
The day 3, which is the grand finale of the special moment with the God’s anointed was filled with wonderful testimonies of what The God of Chosen did in the lives of participants in our previous programmes and and service around the world.
The highlight of the 2018 Workers and Leaders Conference is brought to you by the Chosen Press Digital Team, the digital unit of the Press and information department of the Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Movement.
Read more of this and other stories on the next Edition of the Time of Visitation Magazine, Chosen News, Showers of Blessings and other publications of the Movement.