The God of Chosen Answers Prayer.

2 Months Fatal Accident And Severe Pain Instantly Rolled Away By God
‘I will restore your health, and I will heal your wounds,’ declares the Lord.” — Jeremiah 30:17
The Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscience God that doeth what seems impossible has visited our Brother Ikechukwu Nwabueze, according to him, he had a fatal accident 2 months ago and it affected his leg and hand. “I have gone to the hospital and orthopedic homes yet I can’t walk well,” he said.
Last week, he had a dream where a man told him clearly saying “go to The Lord’s Chosen Church for your healing”.
Later on, he inquired from people to know the location of the church( The Lord’s Chosen church) he was instructed to go to and was directed to come here.
Today, at the stance of our G.O’s prayer, instantly he rose and began to walk without the help of the crutches, the pains also disappeared to the glory of God.
Only God Can Do This!