16th Convocation And Matriculation – More Grace Bible Institute

The official Bible college of The Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Movement according to the divine orchestration of God commemorates its graduands and fresh students at the get-together ceremony themed,’ The Eagles Are Ready’.

The just-concluded academic year that heralded this special year 2022 was a gracious one despite the global depression and crisis of the covid-19 pandemic, the institute recorded an unprecedented increase in additions into Diploma 1 in 2021 which became the highest in the past 5 years, also the Bible college has its branches in the 17 States of the federation. Truly, It is the Lord’s doing!

The occasion of the 16th convocation and matriculation ceremony of the 2022 academic session had in attendance the esteemed presence of the G.O, mummy in the Lord, church council members, foreign mission director, national and state pastors, national women leaders, administrative officers, and lecturers of the institute at the South-South, South-East, registrar Lagos campus, student affairs officer, heads of department, pastors, ministers, and guests who have come to cheer the celebrants.

The General Overseer and rector of the institution in course of his exhortation admonished the graduates with the topic, ‘Focus Of The Heavenly Candidates’. He stated that as a child of God, no matter the circumstance or challenge one is passing through whether good or bad, the focus and goal should be to make heaven at last.

Furthermore, he emphasized that whoever wants to make heaven must be prepared to go the extra mile, stay focused, and maintain purity and holiness. He assured them that God shall supply to them whatever it takes to make heaven at the end of this life. He also prayed that the Good Lord will make them great instruments in His hand, empower and give them the grace to maintain the standard, remaining focused on the fulfilment of the vision and mandate of the ministry.

To God be the glory for the great and mighty things He has done for us. We pray that God shall strengthen and uphold His church as we march forward to accomplish the vision and commission given to us, in Jesus’ name. Amen.


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