16 Years Deaf And Dumb Instantly Healed After The Prayer Of Our General Overseer

Sister Cecilia Chukwu all the way from Enugu State came with her brother Uche Chukwu believing that God Almighty that does that which no man can do will intervene in their life because she had been deaf and dumb for 16 years.

This ailment started when she was born. At the age of 7, she was taken to several hospitals for treatment but all efforts ended in futility. Since then, they have been searching for a cure for this ailment but it defiled all medication.

Having seen the caption of this programme, “God that does that which no man can do” they were confident that the story must change.

As our General Overseer was praying during the instant miracle session on the second day of the program, “God that does that which no man can do, 25th June 2023” he declared healing to people suffering from deafness and dumbness, instantly her mouth became lose and her ear opened.

After testing her, the atmosphere was filled with jubilation because she was talking perfectly.

Indeed, it was a thing of joy because God did that which no man could do and we return all the glory to God Almighty.

Chosen praise the Lord!

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