The God of Chosen Answers Prayer.

12 Years Crippled Boy Healed Instantly – It Is Over 2023
Jesus said to him, “Rise, take up your bed and walk.” And immediately the man was made well, took up his bed, and walked. And that day was the Sabbath
John 5:8
This was exactly the case of Brother Oluwa Tobi, a twelve (12) years old boy, who has been unable to walk since he was born due to the fact that he was crippled. He resides in Lagos State of Nigeria with his parents.
Fortunately for him, the woman leader of Kola branch of the Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Movement invited them for this great programme titled ‘It is Over, 2023.’ He honoured the invitation and was accompanied to this place by his father.
Prior to this time, the father said that he had taken him to several places like hospitals, churches etc, yet no solution. The case seemed hopeless until they stepped into Chosen revival ground.
Just as our General Overseer began to pray and declare healing to people suffering of divers infirmities, the power of the Lord touched our brother and he arose and began to walk. Apart from walking, he began to dance and move his body simultaneously during his interview at the podium.The father was full of joy because the Lord has taken away the reproach in the life of his son.
Do you have someone that is crippled or suffering of any other type of ailment both physical or spiritual and you have exhausted your options, why not visit us at the Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Movement. That same God that healed this brother is capable of doing even much more for you.
Jesus is Lord.